

How To Prepare Your Roof For Bush Fire Season

  What steps have you taken to prepare your roof for bush fire season ? After facing some of the hottest days of the year so far,  Australians are bracing themselves for a dangerous summer. With endless beach trips and festivities on our agenda, families often forget how important it is to ensure their homes […]

Tile or Metal Roof- Which is Best For Your Home?

  Tile or metal roof? Roofing specialists get asked this question quite often. The answer is dependant on many factors, including budget factors and environmental and structural considerations. With new trends emerging in the design and construction of Australian homes, traditional materials tend to change. Modern homes are now seen with a metal or tin roof, […]

Signs You Need Roof Repairs

  No matter what style of roof is covering your home, it will require roof repairs during its lifetime. Neglecting signs of a damaged roof can lead to costly and extensive roof repairs down the track. Noticing early signs of a damage ensures your home can be quickly and safely repaired, before imposing major safety […]

How To Maintain a New Roof

  There is no greater feeling than standing back and admiring a newly renovated roof. Many think that preserving the fresh, modern and well-maintained facade is impossible as time goes on. The reality is, the more attention you give to your new roof, the more it’s condition and appearance will improve in return. Here are […]